Church Ministry
Church & Women’s Ministry Information Kit
From Misery to Ministry: Finding God's Redemption in Your Pain
A real-life inspiring account, full of God's Word. When we know the truth, we will be set free from the enemy's plan of destruction and disillusionment. First taught at the 2012 Agape Fest to other Christian artists, pastors, and ministry leaders.
What's In a Name?
Incredible power, joy, and freedom come from knowing and understanding the names of God! Fascinating and life-changing study in the Word, with real-life examples as God displays WHO He is. (Includes song, "I Know Your Name")
The Power of Submission
Geared to wives and young women in particular, but relevant for the whole body of Christ: A walk in the Word coupled with personal testimony of how God works through us AND our circumstances when we patiently and obediently answer His call to “submit yourselves to one another in love”.
Am I a Fruitcake?
Biblical study of the Fruit of the Spirit and how they (should) work in conjunction with the Gifts of the Spirit. Real-life accounts demonstrate these truths, shared from the Word. Taught first at a women's retreat in Oklahoma.
Who's in Charge Here, Anyway?
Becky shares her candid and riveting testimony of personal tragedy, eventual triumph, and all the pain and perseverance in between. To wrestle with the Sovereignty of God is to be human. To finally understand, accept, and flourish in that truth-- is superhuman. Most of us are somewhere in between. An encouraging testimony that will life the spirits of the downtrodden and help focus hearts upon Jesus.
Blending a Family Without Breaking the Blender
Becky and her husband have been married 21+ years, after both suffering through abandonment, infidelity, and years of single parenting. They now teach a Blended Families class in their home church, mentoring and guiding couples through the treacherous waters of families who've suffered similar trauma. Using wisdom from the Word, boldness, and unrelenting love, they’ve seen marriages transformed.
Women’s Ministry & Retreats:
Becky is happy to plan her talks/ bible studies around your chosen theme. Just let us know!
Church Concerts, Worship Leading & Revivals (Info)
From Misery to Ministry: Finding God's Redemption in Your Pain
A real-life inspiring account, full of God's Word. When we know the truth, we will be set free from the enemy's plan of destruction and disillusionment. First taught at the 2012 Agape Fest to other Christian artists, pastors, and ministry leaders.
What's In a Name?
Incredible power, joy, and freedom come from knowing and understanding the names of God! Fascinating and life-changing study in the Word, with real-life examples as God displays WHO He is. (Includes song, "I Know Your Name")
The Power of Submission
Geared to wives and young women in particular, but relevant for the whole body of Christ: A walk in the Word coupled with personal testimony of how God works through us AND our circumstances when we patiently and obediently answer His call to “submit yourselves to one another in love”.
Am I a Fruitcake?
Biblical study of the Fruit of the Spirit and how they (should) work in conjunction with the Gifts of the Spirit. Real-life accounts demonstrate these truths, shared from the Word. Taught first at a women's retreat in Oklahoma.
Who's in Charge Here, Anyway?
Becky shares her candid and riveting testimony of personal tragedy, eventual triumph, and all the pain and perseverance in between. To wrestle with the Sovereignty of God is to be human. To finally understand, accept, and flourish in that truth-- is superhuman. Most of us are somewhere in between. An encouraging testimony that will life the spirits of the downtrodden and help focus hearts upon Jesus.
Blending a Family Without Breaking the Blender
Becky and her husband have been married 21+ years, after both suffering through abandonment, infidelity, and years of single parenting. They now teach a Blended Families class in their home church, mentoring and guiding couples through the treacherous waters of families who've suffered similar trauma. Using wisdom from the Word, boldness, and unrelenting love, they’ve seen marriages transformed.
Women’s Ministry & Retreats:
Becky is happy to plan her talks/ bible studies around your chosen theme. Just let us know!
Church Concerts, Worship Leading & Revivals (Info)